How Much Should Your Team Spend on Marketing in 2023?

✪ All the businesses had to play catch-up in 2021 due to the epidemic that sabotaged the majority of our marketing initiatives. ✪ Organizations were working hard to get ready for digital transformation. ✪ The marketing team received guidance in 2022 as to what is profitable and effective. ✪ Businesses organized their cash flows and overcame supply chain difficulties. ✪ The moment has arrived for you to begin creating the budget for the upcoming year. What Should the Marketing Budget Contain? ✪ The introduction of digital marketing has altered the traditional pattern of estimation. ✪ There are now more marketing outlets, so it is necessary to break up the costs into various streams. You can divide your marketing expenses among the following marketing categories: ✪ Direct marketing costs, social media marketing costs, branding-related costs, marketing personnel costs, marketing analytics, and research costs, overhead costs, mobile marketing costs, and training costs. ✪ ...